之前說過,我覺得Louise Penny小說的推理部份寫得普通,吸引我的,是Three Pines村和督察長Gamache的故事線。來到系列的第三本,我終於認同Louise Penny寫偵探小說的功力。
The Cruelest Month的故事發生在復活節期間,殘酷的月份指的是四月,典故來自T. S. Eliot的一首詩:The Wasted Land,在此節錄一段:
APRIL is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
負責這宗案件的督察長Gamache,因為幾年前揭發警隊高層Arnot的惡行而得罪了好些人,更有人派卧底到他麾下工作。他不是蠢人,一早知道此事,但他覺得留卧底在身邊更安全;因為趕走一個可能會有另一個,而讓卧底在身邊,反令他有機會猜度對方的行動。(spoiler alert!)不過,他想不到的是,想對他不利的人竟然不是Arnot的餘黨,而是他的多年好友...... (spoiler 完)
雖然Three Pines Series裡的每本書都獨立成章,但最好是順序看。單看一本,你不會對Three Pines的村民和Gamache投入太多感情,亦會對過多Gamache的描寫不耐煩。但當你從第一本開始看時,你便會感受到這些人物的魅力,而且他們在每個故事中都有所成長。
有趣的是,Louise Penny經常被人與克莉絲蒂相提並論,但她卻覺得克莉絲蒂的筆調過於純真。這我不同意,《謝幕》和《無盡之夜》便寫得頗為黑暗。但是,Louise Penny寫警局的黑暗,卻寫得觸目驚心。事實上,中國大陸也發生同樣情況。那就是,「上訪者」被政府無視、抺黑,被當成不合作的人。需要有一個像Gamache的人才能打救他們。但是,這類正義之士會被視為叛徒,下場可能很悽慘。總之,無權無勢又沒有法律保障的人都很可憐。
He’d taken the seat right next to the man who wanted him gone. Preferably right off the planet.
He’d known even as he did it what it meant. He’d be cast out. Sent from the tribe.
Of all the things we keep inside the worst are the secrets. The things we are so ashamed of, afraid of, we need to hide them even from ourselves.
Our secrets make us sick because they separate us from other people. Keep us alone. Turn us into fearful, angry, bitter people. Turn us against others, and finally against ourselves
Murder was a secret spread over time.
This is a tragedy of secrets,’ said Gamache. ‘It’s a story of hauntings, of ghosts, of wickedness dressed as valor. It’s a story of things hidden and buried. Alive. When something not quite dead is buried it eventually comes back,’ he said after a moment’s pause. ‘It claws its way out of the dirt, rancid and fetid. And hungry.
‘The near enemy,’ said Myrna. ‘Exactly. Pity for compassion.
--書中關於The near enemy的討論很有意思。什麼是The near enemy?這是一個心理學的理論,意指兩種相近其實相反的感情(Two emotions that look the same but are actually different)。而且:The one parades as the other, is mistaken for the other, but one is healthy and the other's sick, twisted.
Attachment & Love 依附與愛("Love wants the best for others. Attachment takes hostages")
Pity & Compassion 可憐(有由上而下之意)與同情(有同理心)這讓我想起最近看過的一段關於pity和empathy的分別的短片,有興趣可看。
Indifference & Equanimity 冷漠與自若 (Equanimity is balance... People with equanimity are unbelivably brave. They absorb the pain, feel it fully, and let it go. And you know what? ... They look exactly like people who don't care at all, who are indifferent. Cool, calm and collected."
Everything had changed. Even her grammar. Suddenly she lived in the past tense. And the singular.
He’d picked up a stick when he’d entered the woods. To knock the bear on the nose. Or was that sharks? Well, he was ready either way. The bear could always use the stick as a toothpick after eating him.
‘Bon. We all hoped you’d come.’ The grocer leaned into the open window, patting Henri(狗狗) who’d climbed over Gamache to see who was there so that it appeared a dog was driving the car.
She’d made the mistake of giving him (指Henri the dog) a soiled hot dog and now she was his new best friend.
...face settling into the middle years of a life fully lived.
--如果能live life fully,便不會這麼怕老。
加拿大將Louise Penny的第一本書Still Life改編為電視劇,imdb評價很差。老實說我看到演主角Gamache的演員照片(左面那位)便對電視版不抱幻想。這張劇照中,只有演Agent Nicole的演員看上去比較符合我對這個角色的想像。