
The Cruelest Month 中期閱讀筆記 (with quotations)


工作一忙,便不斷吃comfort food(好在未算junk food),看完兩本Louise Penny的實體中文書,便轉戰她的英文版電子書。

我打算順序看「三松村系列」(Three Pines Mysteries),The Cruelest Month是第三本。故事是說三松村發生過兩次殺人案後,村民都有點不安;加上復活節來臨,遂有人提議到「凶屋」舉行降靈會(what a stupid idea!),期間,有參加者死亡。




  • Gabri Dubeau vacillated between delight at being called ‘young man’ and defensiveness.
  • ...didn’t wash over her and protect her from the suspicion she’d been found out for the pathetic little thing she knew herself to be. From trying to fit into a world where everyone knew the code, except her.
  • She was genetically designed to be eaten first. Clara felt badly for the brutality of her thoughts.   --有些人是天生的弱者!
  • Gamache had been to Three Pines on previous investigations and each time he’d had the feeling he belonged. It was a powerful feeling. After all, what else did people really want except to belong?
  • The Québécois were straightforward, clear. If they liked you they hugged. When they murdered you they just whacked you over the head. Boom, done. Convicted. Next.
  • Madeleine Favreau’s seat. The best in the room. Now how was that decided? Did she just take it? Did Hazel offer? Was Madeleine Favreau a bully? Was Hazel a professional victim?
  • Loss was like that, Gamache knew. You didn’t just lose a loved one. You lost your heart, your memories, your laughter, your brain and it even took your bones. Eventually it all came back, but different. Rearranged.
    --sighed... 這句寫得很好。
  • Because murder was deeply human. It wasn’t about what people did. No, it was about how they felt, because that’s where it all started.
  • Some feeling that had once been human and natural had twisted. Become grotesque. Had turned sour and corrosive until its very container had been eaten away. Until the human barely existed. & 

    ‘Because, we’re looking for someone not quite right. We’re looking for someone who appears healthy, who functions well. But who is very sick. We find those people not by simply collecting facts, but by collecting impressions.’
  • On the veranda Clara and Peter had hugged him but offered no easy words of comfort. To do that would be to simply comfort themselves.
  • He squeezed his bulk through the narrowest possible opening in the door, which was actually wide open by the time he was halfway through,
  • It was a golden day with every shade of green imaginable just appearing.
  • ‘Actually, he says they find him. He goes for walks in the woods and listens. When a tree calls him he goes to it.’ Beauvoir stared at her. She’d said this as though that’s what Ikea did too. As though it was perfectly natural and normal to hear trees, never mind listen to them.
    --這位探員害怕怪力亂神,所以當聽到有人說"a tree calls him",他便在心裡取笑那人。
  • As I did once, said Brébeuf to himself. Once, when I loved Armand. When we trusted each other and pledged to protect each other. Once, when I could still admit I was wrong, I needed help, I didn’t know. When I could still say, I’m sorry. But that was long ago now.

6 則留言:

  1. 妳近期引擎運轉力甚強唷!

    借勢告之一個情報 (唔知妳知唔知),四月開始,上「博客來」買書,可於指定香港7.11取。我試過了,48小時內便收到貨 (本地小書店會面臨一定衝擊)。

    (閱讀不同吃薯片,即使是junk food,只要消化得宜,亦一樣有益呢) :)

    1. 因為每晚的空餘時間都用來看書,所以看得很快。(加上剛迷上這個系列)



    2. 有引文,不錯,但會否多花了點時間或窒礙了看書的興味呢 ?
      喜歡這種形式(原文 + 點評 ),讓我也多懂了點(洋)文字的興味 ~

    3. 我看Kindle版,highlight很方便,之後可在notepad找回那些句子。查字典就真的窒礙了看書的興味。

  2. 回覆
    1. 每次睇英文書都發覺自己有好多英文字都唔識!
      It was a golden day with every shade of green imaginable just appearing.
