
[Bury Your Dead摘錄]魁北克市:景觀、著名建築、歷史......

Gamache在Old Quebec City休養,作者描述當地的美麗景色:



Kids were wrapped and bound, mummified, preserved against a bitterly cold Quebec winter and heading for Bonhomme’s Ice Palace, or the ice slide, or the cabane a sucre with its warm maple syrup hardening to taffy on snow.

Lights were appearing in homes and restaurants, reflecting off the white snow. It was a city that lent itself to winter, and to darkness. It became even cozier, more inviting, more magical, like a fairy-tale kingdom. And we’re the peasants, thought Elizabeth with a wry smile.

太好記性不是好事。原來"Je me souviens", I remember, 我牢記在心,是魁北克的官方格言。
Je me souviens, thought Gamache. That was the problem. Always the problem. I remember. Everything.


In old Quebec City, “magnificent” wasn’t measured in square feet, but in details. The blocks of gray stone, the carving over the doors and windows, the simple, clean lines. It was a gracious and elegant row of homes.


In winter the very ground seemed to reach up and grab the elderly, yanking them to earth as though hungry for them. Shattering a hip or wrist, or neck.

The library in Literary and Historical Society:
It smelled of the past, of a time before computers, before information was “Googled” and “blogged.” Before laptops and BlackBerries and all the other tools that mistook information for knowledge. It was an old library, filled with old books and dusty old thoughts.

 Office du tourisme de Québec / Luc-Antoine Couturier

Chateau Frontenac hotel:
At the top of the hill, beyond the park and caleches, was the most photographed building in Canada. The Chateau Frontenac hotel. It was huge and gray, turreted and imposing, and rose as though expelled from the cliff face. Inspired by castles it was named for the first governor of Quebec, Frontenac. It was both magnificent and forbidding.

作者對 ice canoe race的描述都幾抵死:

Why enter the race?” Gamache couldn’t help himself. He was dying to know why anyone, never mind someone closing in on seventy, would do this to themselves.

"<a href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Basilique-Cath%C3%A9drale_Notre-Dame_Qu%C3%A9bec.JPG#mediaviewer/File:Basilique-Cath%C3%A9drale_Notre-Dame_Qu%C3%A9bec.JPG">Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame Québec</a>". Licensed under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" title="Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0">CC BY-SA 3.0</a> via <a href="//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/">Wikimedia Commons</a>.
"<a href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Basilique-Cath%C3%A9drale_Notre-Dame_Qu%C3%A9bec.JPG#mediaviewer/File:Basilique-Cath%C3%A9drale_Notre-Dame_Qu%C3%A9bec.JPG">Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame Québec</a>". Licensed under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" title="Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0">CC BY-SA 3.0</a> via <a href="//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/">Wikimedia Commons</a>.

Cathedral-Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec
From the cafe he hadn’t far to go. Just across the street to the great monolith that was Notre-Dame Basilica, the magnificent gilded church that wed, christened, chastised, guided and buried the highest officials and the lowest beggars.

That’s Michel Particelli d’Emery, an accountant for Louis XIII.” “But it’s Champlain,” said Gamache. “Slightly heavier, and turned in the other direction, but essentially the same man, even down to the clothing.”


Gamache sat still for a very long time. There was no sound outside or inside. How many others had hidden in there against a violent world? A world not as kind, not as good, not as warm as they wished. How many fearful people had huddled where they sat? Taken refuge? Wondering when it might be safe to go out. Into the world.

The city might have been built on faith and fur, on skin and bones, but it was fueled by symbols. And memory.

It is sweet and right to die for your country. Magnificent,” said Croix, gazing beyond Gamache. “You think?” “Don’t you, monsieur?” Croix turned suspicious eyes on the Chief Inspector. “No. It’s an old and dangerous lie. It might be necessary, but it is never sweet and rarely right. It’s a tragedy.”

The entire world out there, thought Gamache. It was funny how obsessed people believed others equally obsessed, or even interested.
And for archeologists and historians, gripped by the past, it was inconceivable others weren’t.

For them, the past was as alive as the present. And while forgetting the past might condemn people to repeat it, remembering it too vividly condemned them to never leave.

A lot of what we know to be history isn’t,” said Gamache. “You know that, I know that. It serves a purpose. Events are exaggerated, heroes fabricated, goals are rewritten to appear more noble than they actually were. All to manipulate public opinion, to manufacture a common purpose or enemy.

But Champlain wouldn’t have been buried in hallowed ground. Not if he was a Huguenot.”
-- 長知識!原來有一教派叫Huguenot(胡格洛派

Credict: Ville de Québec 

3 則留言:

  1. 美麗的冬日城市描述,亦富有冬晴的暖意。btw 妳這個加國人去過魁北克嗎?網上看照片,好些小區景觀似像遊園裡的主題區般可愛呢。

    1. 我和父母多年前去過一次魁北克,逗留的時間不長。我只記得那是陽光普照的一天,在美麗的廣場裡,有人寫生,有人賣明信片。看完小說,我很想再到魁北克旅遊,去作者提過的地方。最好能參加winter carnival(但我怕冷......)。我快回加探父母,本想跟團到魁北克(我沒信心能與父母自由行到那裡),但魁北克團很貴,只在Old Quebec City留大半天,又一定要經多倫多,最後放棄了。本以為不會去旅行,但他們有朋友(同樣是老夫婦)跟團去古巴,父親想一起去。於是我將會到古吧啦~ (雖然很不想跟團,但沒法。今次有四個老人家呢~)

    2. 情迷夏灣拿!好好享受每一刻啊!
