先是藝術家夫婦Clara和Peter的關係。Peter是個技藝很好的藝術家,他的風格是將一件件日常用品放大很多倍,將細節繪畫出來,令那件物品變得不平凡。他的作品獲好評,很快便成名了。而他的妻子Clara,在藝術上還在掙扎階段。她的作品不能讓人一眼看穿。她又喜歡畫人像畫。要知道,現在的藝術界覺得畫人像畫太容易了,沒創意!而且現在時興畫醜陋的事物,人性的黑暗面,這樣才有talking point。還有藝術家會畫人性的光明面嗎?但是,畫出一幅不平凡的人像畫,比什麼都難。而Clara做到了。她畫筆下的人物,在絕望中見到希望。她的努力沒有白費,終於有人看懂她的畫了。如果Peter的畫是good的話,她的畫是great。Greatness不是一下子就讓人看出來的,但終究會被人發現。在接近五十歲之齡,Clara終於獲得她一直夢寐以求的機會--開個人畫展!
Clara Morrow’s paintings are not just brilliant, they are luminous. She has, in an audacious and generous stroke, redefined portraiture. I went back and memorized it. Not because I believe it’s true, but so that I have a choice of what to believe, and it doesn’t always have to be the worst.
Clara painted dear life. While the rest of the cynical art world was painting the worst, Clara painted the best.
Peter painted things. Very well. He even claimed to paint God, and some dealers believed it. Made a good story. But he’d never met God so how could he paint Him? Clara not only met Him, she knew Him. And she painted what she knew.
這段寫得像Stephen King的恐怖小說。說的是Clara的畫展成功,大獲好評,Peter開了一瓶儲藏了幾年的香檳為Clara慶祝,卻嚐不出酒已變壞。Clara這時才察覺「丈夫死了」。
The champagne on her lips was sour, the wine turned years before. But Peter, who’d taken a huge gulp, was smiling. As though nothing was wrong. When had he died? Clara wondered. And why hadn’t she noticed?
“Nobody heard him,” Clara quoted, “the dead man, But still he lay moaning: I was much further out than you thought And not waving but drowning.”
--這是一首詩的段落,作者是Stevie Smith。Clara發現Peter is drowning...
But tonight he clung to his side of the bed, and she clung to hers, as though to dual cliff faces.
Peter looked at Clara, so far away across the bed.
“It was your faith,” he shouted, and slumped to the floor. “It was your beliefs. Your hope,” he choked out, his voice a croak amid gasps. “It was far worse than your art. I wanted to be able to paint like you, but only because it would mean I’d see the world as you do. Oh, God, Clara. All I’ve ever envied you was your faith.”
Across the hall in his pristine studio he’d made space for inspiration. All clean and tidy. But inspiration had mistaken the address, and landed here (芝按:here指Clara的畫室)instead.
No, thought Peter, it wasn’t just inspiration he was looking for, it was more. That had been the problem. All his life he’d mistaken the one for the other. Thinking inspiration was enough. Mistaking the created for the Creator.
For Peter, the only thing worse than company was being alone. Unless he was alone in his studio. Or with Clara. Just the two of them. But now she’d left him standing by the side of the road. And Peter Morrow didn’t know what to do.
其實Clara也不好過。在她的才華被發掘前,她經常懷疑自己。沒人將她的藝術當一回事。For Peter, the only thing worse than company was being alone. Unless he was alone in his studio. Or with Clara. Just the two of them. But now she’d left him standing by the side of the road. And Peter Morrow didn’t know what to do.
As far back as she could remember Clara wanted only one thing, even more than she’d wanted the solo show. It wasn’t riches, it wasn’t power, it wasn’t even love. Clara Morrow wanted to belong. And now, at almost fifty, she did.
This was the village that had lived beneath the covers when Clara was a child. That was built behind the thin wooden door to her bedroom, where outside her parents argued. Her brothers ignored her. The phone rang, but not for her. Where eyes slid over and past her and through her. To someone else. Someone prettier. More interesting. Where people butted in as though she was invisible, and interrupted her as though she hadn’t just spoken.
若一個人,心知肚明自己成功是因為懂得取巧,這份「巧」,可能是能準確捕捉到一些幾竅與時勢的小聰明,或深諳受眾的淺薄口味,或懂高明地包裝而又真能取悅到大多數不懂的人……諸如此類不一而足。這個人不但不羨慕更不妒忌其他比自己更有實力、才情與深度的人,反而真心欣賞自己的技法、滿足於自我之定位、洋洋得意於眼前的成就 — 不會流芳百世,但管他的!這樣的人,我想,是幸福的吧。