
[Bury your dead摘錄] 最能安慰Beauvoir的人:Beauvoir與Ruth的互動

Chief Inspector Gamache的副手Beauvoir是個有趣的角色,而且「佔戲」愈來愈重。

在與恐怖份子的對恃中,他受了槍傷,需要放假休養。他來到經常有謀殺案發生的地方--三松村,住在Gabri開的B&B 。表面上,他只是來這個寧靜村落養傷,事實上,他受Gamache所托,到來秘密查案,要查出一單已結案的案件是否拉錯人。

他每次到三松村都是為了查案,因此一眾村民對他來說只是嫌疑犯。他不像Gamache,從不會與嫌疑犯對話,他只會問話。他難以明白為何Gamache能與村民做朋友,即使他們不是兇手。但今次來三松村,Beauvoir的心態不同了。他身心受創,人變得脆弱起來。而且這次他不能光明正大地查案,要急也急不來,這樣,他的步調才得以慢下來。他開始和部份村民真心交流,如Clara;如外表瘋癲其實看透世情的"mad poet" Ruth。

He laughed, surprising himself. He’d never had an actual conversation with Clara. With any of them. The Chief had. Somehow he’d managed to become friends with most of them but Beauvoir had never been able to pass through that membrane, to see people as both suspects and human. He’d never wanted to. The idea repulsed him.

他與Ruth經常互窒。驕傲的他不想別人同情他,於是他決定只將心事與這個doesn't care的人分享:

She gave a barking laugh. “You find another body?” “I don’t follow bodies, you know. I have a life outside of work.” “God, I’m bored already,” said the old poet. “Say something smart.” Beauvoir was silent, looking at her with disdain. “Thought so.” She took a swig of his beer. “Blech, this is crap. Can’t you drink something decent? Havoc! Get him a Scotch.” “You old hag,” Beauvoir murmured. “Oh, banter. Very clever.”

He needed to talk to someone, but someone without a heart, without compassion. Someone who didn’t care...

Who better than someone who didn’t care? There’d be no sympathy, no pity, no real understanding. There’d be no awkwardness when they saw each other in the village, because while he’d bared his soul to her she wouldn’t care.

I know why you’re here,” he said at last. “For the rest of the story. You just want to hear all the gory details. You feed on it, don’t you? Fear and pain. You don’t care about me or the Chief or Morin or anyone else, all you want from me is the rest of the story, you sick old crone.” “And what do you want?” What do I want? he thought. I want to tell it.


Don’t fuck with me. I don’t have that much time left and I refuse to waste it.”

警察在輯拿恐怖份子時,每人身上都有一個鏡頭,以作記錄。但這批錄像卻偷偷地被人剪輯成短片放上網,對受害者的家人做成二度傷害。當事人Gamache的妻子兒女都看了,他不可能不看,而以Beauvoir的性格,他不看是不會心息的。於是Gamache找恩師陪他看(他正在居於Quebec City的恩師處休養)。Beauvoir在三松村,就只能找「毫無同情心」的Ruth陪他看了。想不到,只有Ruth才知道怎樣「安慰」他。

Well,” she finally said. “I don’t believe a word of it. All done on a soundstage I bet. Good effects, but the acting sucked. “Popcorn?” Beauvoir looked at her, holding out the plastic bowl. He took a handful. Then they walked slowly through the blizzard, heads bowed into the wind, across the village green to Peter and Clara’s home. Halfway across, he took her arm. To steady her, or himself, he wasn’t really sure. But she let him. They made their way to the little cottage, following the light through the storm. And once there, they sat in front of the fireplace and ate dinner. Together.

1 則留言:

  1. 啊芝你好,



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