
[Bury Your Dead摘錄] Gamache的狗狗Henri

(今次Bury your Dead我摘錄了太多句子,會分幾篇post在這裡。)


好了,讓我向你們介紹一隻fictional dog,轉換一下心情吧!

Louise Penny 的Chief Inspector Gamache系列中,有一個很可愛的狗角色。牠是隻雙耳很長的德國牧羊犬,名叫Henri,是Gamache的寵物(真幸福!)。我相信,Henri的原型是作者自己養的狗。

At the sound of his name the young shepherd sat up, alert, his huge ears swinging this way and that, like satellite dishes searching for a signal.

At the sound of his name the shepherd looked at Emile, ears forward, alert. In case there was a biscuit involved. There was.

“Bonjour,” the shopkeeper knelt in a totally involuntary movement and reached out to Henri. Gamache recognized it. He had it himself, as did Reine-Marie, when in the presence of a dog. The need to kneel, to genuflect. “May I?” the man asked. It was the sign of an experienced dog owner, to always ask.
--作者描述愛狗人見到狗的動作:"knelt in a totally involuntary movement",形容得很精準。

...(the shopand stared at Gamache then he noticed Henri looking out from behind the large man’s legs. Hiding. Though Gamache would never say it to Henri’s face, they both knew he wasn’t the most courageous of dogs. Nor, it must be said, was Henri very bright.

But he was loyal beyond measure and knew what mattered. Din-din, walks, balls. But most of all, his family. His heart filled his chest and ran to the end of his tail and the very tips of his considerable ears. It filled his head, squeezing out his brain. But Henri, the foundling, was a humanist, and while not particularly clever was the smartest creature Gamache knew. Everything he knew he knew by heart.
--"Everything he knew he knew by heart"有很多人highlight(Kindle有這這個功能)。

Gamache scooped up a handful of snow and crushed it into a ball. Henri immediately dropped the tennis ball and danced around. The Chief cocked his arm, smiling at Henri, who suddenly crouched. Muscles tense. Waiting. Then Gamache threw the snowball and Henri raced after it, catching it in mid-air. He was ecstatic for a moment then his jaws closed, the snow disintegrated and Henri landed, perplexed as always.

The snowball descended, and Henri caught it. And bit down. By the time he landed on all fours he had only a mouthful of snow. Again. But Henri would keep trying, Gamache knew. He’d never give up hope.

You don’t have to come, you know.” But Henri didn’t know. It wasn’t a matter of knowing. If Gamache was going, Henri was going.
Gamache rose and Henri rose with him, ready to go wherever Gamache went.

2 則留言:

  1. 可以肯定,落鐵路「救狗」那兩個港鐵員工,並不愛狗。他們是「根據指引」,做了該做的指定動作。整個過程,並沒有「用心」。


    一個人做任何一件事,究竟有沒有 ~ 用.心,是看得出來、感受得到的。

    1. 是啊,「根據指引」做起事上來好輕鬆!總之「聽上頭話」就冇死。如果為救狗冇咗份工點算?俾個乘客自己救狗,如果佢有起事上黎,咁我點算?如果架車慢咁耐,俾人投訴又點算?因此,狗命是最後考慮的事。
