《祼陽》(The Naked Sun)的故事接著《鋼穴》發生。上集Baley查案有功,今次竟被派到外星Solaria查案,與他一同被派去的還有Aurora的人型機械人Daneel。有趣的是,因為政治原因,Daneel要隱藏機械人身份。
(題外話,Baley的妻子有點無辜,情敵是個美女不特止,還要是個Spacer美女,養尊處優,保養得宜。丈夫到過外星,突然嚮往探索外星,自己卻從未到過外星,難以理解他的轉變,只知自己突然跟不上丈夫的步伐。Baley是好丈夫,又因為他知道此生都沒機會移民外星,與Gladia「沒可能」,故他覺得自己不會對妻子不忠。不過我覺得他已愛上Gladia,毫無疑問!不能說一句「沒可能」沒當沒事發生。不過艾西莫夫在下一集也沒多著墨他與妻子的關係。這個妻子最後變成次要角色,有點浪費。) 此書也是以Baley的查案過程推進情節。有趣的是,為怕Daneel(因為要保護他)阻止他探索Solaria,他以詭計將Daneel禁錮。他查案的大部份時間都沒有Daneel在場!這本書探討的不是人類與機械人的關係,而是Earhmen和Spacers的分別。Spacers處處比Earthmen優越,但這種生活方式太過火,他們最終害了自己。人類珍視的親子關係、愛情關係,以及人與人之間的接觸,Solarians避之則吉。他們害怕與其他人面對面,害怕身體接觸,覺得性愛是難以忍受的事。他們就連小孩子也討厭。Gladia與其他Solarians不同,她感情豐富,她渴望愛情,所以才這麼痛苦。
Which movies get artificial intelligence right?
電影Bicentennial Man中的機械人,後來他經過改造,變成人型機械人,由Robin Williams飾演。
➧the huge vaulted chamber of the airport with City corridors leading off on numerous levels, everything else he saw and heard, gave him the feeling of being safely and warmly enclosed in the bowels and womb of the City. It washed away anxiety and only a shower was necessary to complete the job.
➧Baley was losing his fight. Reason alone was not enough. Baley told himself over and over: Men live in the open all their lives. The Spacers do so now. Our ancestors on Earth did it in the past. There is no real harm in wall- lessness. It is only my mind that tells me differently, and it is wrong.
➧But all that did not help. Something above and beyond reason cried out for walls and would have none of space.
➧There was the eye- corner flash of a tall, bronze- haired figure entering; a Spacer, one of those proud descendants of Earth who had disowned their heritage.
“That is pleasant,” said Daneel, nodding gravely. “As you are well aware, it is quite impossible for me, while in working order, to forget you. It is well that I see you again.”
➧After all, one could not love as a friend this Daneel Olivaw, who was not a man at all, but only a robot.
➧The population is deliberately maintained at twenty thousand, that being considered optimum by the Solarians themselves.”
➧“That is not my feeling, Partner Elijah.” “Let me be the judge, Daneel.” “If that is an order, Partner Elijah, I cannot follow it.”
Yet he did want to see out the car. It was becoming an obsession with him. He couldn’t allow this nurse-infant relationship to build up.
➧Baley felt the impulse to ask Daneel if he were angry at having been outwitted if only to see that perfect face become imperfect, but he repressed it. Of course Daneel would simply answer no, without rancor or annoyance. He would sit there as calm and as grave as ever, unperturbed and imperturbable.
➧Baley tried to picture a world as a sphere being lit and unlit as it turned. He found it hard to do and felt scornful of the so-superior Spacers who let such an essential thing as time be dictated to them by the vagaries of planetary movements.
➧Again Baley felt annoyance at a world that made itself victim of the coming and going of a sun. It was what came of living on bare planetary surface.
➧“It depends on how seriously you take your chess. Motives can seem all the world to the murderer and completely insignificant to everyone else.
➧“And if isolation isn’t enough to induce stagnation, there is the matter of their long lives. On Earth, we have a continuous influx of young people who are willing to change because they haven’t had time to grow hard- set in their ways. I suppose there’s some optimum. A life long enough for real accomplishment and short enough to make way for youth at a rate that’s not too slow.
I, Robot裡的機械人
回覆刪除Asimov的還可以。 曾經想看William Gibson的Neuromancer, 便覺得英文太深。
刪除什麼環境都可以推理,無人島也可以 ~
回覆刪除是啊。 單憑證人證詞推理幾十年前發生的案件的情節, 我也看過。