Vancouver is not that cold and I think the crime rate is fairly low. 年靑的好處是什麼都不在乎. 睡在那裡, 食什麼都得 [版主回覆12/06/2010 21:31:00]The crime rate is higher now. And don't forget the serial murder of prostitutes a few years ago, horrible! Yes, I miss the good old days. (although I am still young, but it's not like the days when I was a student...)
Gigi.. why haven't I done something so romantic in the past? hahahha But the most unforgettable experience is that I have stayed overnite with friends for lining up for the carpark space in SFU.... [版主回覆12/06/2010 20:38:00]那次過夜是即興的, 聊到不想回去, 又說要看日出什麼的。現在我們可能更懂得玩, 想到的"鬼主意"可能更多, 不過未必有勇氣和閒情去實行, 亦未必有那個伴。 我也記得訂停車位要通宵排隊, 很誇張!!
Gi, I remember we went to IHOP for breadfast ... old day la ~~~ [版主回覆12/14/2010 08:44:00]Oh yes, we went to IHOP, I thought it was Danny's tim. Miss those good old days~
好漂亮。 傾通宵,不會打劫嗎??
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/05/2010 08:05:00]哈哈~ 那時候根本沒想過會被打劫, 而且我們那時還是學生, 沒有太多錢在身。 最後我們在其中一個朋友處眠幾小時, 早上一起去吃早餐! 現在"冇呢支歌仔唱了"。:)
Vancouver is not that cold and I think the crime rate is fairly low. 年靑的好處是什麼都不在乎. 睡在那裡, 食什麼都得
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2010 21:31:00]The crime rate is higher now. And don't forget the serial murder of prostitutes a few years ago, horrible! Yes, I miss the good old days. (although I am still young, but it's not like the days when I was a student...)
好耐以前上溫哥華玩, 去到個公園度, 打千秋唱小小的宇宙. 嚇到一個細路即刻走番屋企唔敢逗留. 呵呵
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2010 20:39:00]你係咪晚上o向公園唱歌啊! 呢位哥哥好得人驚呀~~
Gigi.. why haven't I done something so romantic in the past? hahahha
回覆刪除But the most unforgettable experience is that I have stayed overnite with friends for lining up for the carpark space in SFU....
[版主回覆12/06/2010 20:38:00]那次過夜是即興的, 聊到不想回去, 又說要看日出什麼的。現在我們可能更懂得玩, 想到的"鬼主意"可能更多, 不過未必有勇氣和閒情去實行, 亦未必有那個伴。 我也記得訂停車位要通宵排隊, 很誇張!!
Those days are gone 啦 my friend. 呵呵. 只唱過一次好似係 4-5 PM. 嘻嘻.
回覆刪除I remember we went to IHOP for breadfast ... old day la ~~~
[版主回覆12/14/2010 08:44:00]Oh yes, we went to IHOP, I thought it was Danny's tim. Miss those good old days~