
越來越奇: 艾西莫夫的《曙光中的機器人》(The Robots of Dawn)

"curiouser and curiouser"這句來自《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的話,可用來形容艾西莫夫這個機械人系列。

繼上次偵破Solorist星殺人事件後,警探Baley在《曙光中的機器人》(The Robots of Dawn)中再次出動;今次查的,是「謀殺」機械人事件。在人形機械人Daneel的家鄉Aurora星發生。


Aurora星的Han Fastolfe(即Daniel程式設計者),他認為地球人與Spacers是平等的,地球人有權殖民外星。但Aurora星卻有很多人反對,包括另一機械人專家Kelden Amadiro。他歧視地球人,怕地球人在外太空「繁殖過多」,奪去Spacers的資源。沒有Amadiro支持的話,Fastolfe無法大量生產機械人; 但沒有Fastolfe的話,Amadiro無法製作高質素的機械人(Spacers也想殖民外星啊)。因此,Amadiro聯同其他機械人學者開設機械人學研究所,希望不用靠Fastolfe也能成事。

此書還有一位要角—同樣由 Fastolfe設計的Giskard。他不是人型機械人,但他與Daneel一般聰敏。因Aurora人不喜歡地球人,而地球人殖民外星這事,對Aurora人是個威脅,有人想對付Baley,所以他此行有危險。Giskard和Daneel便受 Fastolfe命保護他。





I know. But what I want to say, Dad, is that I appreciate you. And this time when you come back, you’ll get that from everybody and not just from me.” Baley felt himself melting. He nodded rapidly, put a hand on his son’s shoulder, and muttered, “Thanks. Take care of yourself—and your mother—while I’m gone.”
﹣上一次Baley 多望幾眼Gladia,都覺得自己對妻子不住。今次他連內疚感也沒有了。在外太空,他亦不曾想起妻子。好像連作者都拋棄這個角色了。兒子倒是有出場。

Every effort to assure that precautions had been taken also assured him that those precautions were thought necessary.

Baley liked to think he was no coward, but he was on a strange planet, with no way of telling friend from enemy, with no way of taking comfort in anything familiar (except, of course, Daneel). At crucial moments, he thought with a shiver, he would be without enclosure to warm him and to give him relief.

He had never experienced anything like it. It was as though taste buds had suddenly been invented and inserted in his tongue.

~Yet Baley found himself unable to avoid thinking of the Women’s Personals on Earth where, as Jessie had frequently told him, women chattered incessantly and felt no discomfort about it. Why women, but not men? Baley had never thought seriously about it before, but had accepted it merely as custom—as unbreakable custom—but if women, why not men?

~She might be Solarian, but given the proper circumstances she sounded exactly like an Earth-woman. He suspected that this would be true of Aurorans as well. There are some things that differences in culture don’t touch.

The general public has its own priorities and is more interested in the next meal, the next hyperwave show, the next space-soccer contest than in the next century and the next millennium. Still, the general public will be as glad to accept my plans, as are the intellectually minded who already know. Those who object will not be numerous enough to matter.”

“Are you well, sir?” asked Giskard. It was a foolish question, dictated by the programming of the robot, thought Baley, though, at that, it was no worse than the questions asked by human beings, sometimes with wild inappropriateness, out of the programming of etiquette.

For the first time in his life, Baley found himself envying a robot. Imagine being able to walk through that; to be indifferent to water, to sight, to sound; to be able to ignore surroundings and to have a pseudo-life that was absolutely courageous; to know no fear of pain or of death, because there was no pain or death. And yet to be incapable of originality of thought, to be incapable of unpredictable leaps of intuition—

They will swarm over the new worlds at any cost, multiplying like insects, and will preempt the Galaxy even while we are making a bare beginning. To offer Earth a supposedly equal chance at the Galaxy is to give them the Galaxy—and that is not equality. Earthpeople must be confined to Earth.”

6 則留言:

  1. 竟然沒有人留言,很意外呢 ~

    1. 都正常嘅, 我寫果本書應該冇咩blog友睇過呢。
      好想月尾前寫多篇, 但最近工作好忙。

  2. 見到性愛那段,忽然想起洋腸派對。。。

    1. 洋腸派對係咪好「色」? :D

    2. 不好意思,我也有類似的聯想,幸好不止我一個人(暗爽中)。

    3. 哈哈!! 我未睇過套戲, 唔明添。
