





Louise Penny (Chief Inspector Gamache #12): A Great Reckoning (part 2/2)

“Next year, he and Annie would be taking their child to a maple sugar shack for the annual sugaring- off celebration. They’d get in a horse- drawn sleigh and go deep into the woods, to a log cabin. There they’d listen to fiddle music and watch people dance, and eat eggs and bacon and baked beans and sweet, sticky tire d’érable, the boiled maple sap poured over spring snow and turned into toffee. Then rolled onto a twig, like a lollipop.”
-這才知道加拿大人,特別是在魁北克省,會舉行製作楓葉糖漿(Sugaring-off)的 慶典,很好玩的樣子。真希望有機會參加。不過最好先學一點法文。 


Louise Penny (Chief Inspector Gamache #12): A Great Reckoning (part 1/2)

這是我看的第12本Chief Inspector Gamache系列小說。其實我覺得它叫Three Pines系列較為適合,畢竟Three Pines是小說的主要場境,而這個地方的重要性比男主角Gamache更高。(雖然,~thank God~ 凶殺案終於不再在這個小鎮發生。)有很多讀者留言告訴Louise Penny想去Three Pines這個與世隔絕的小鎮呢。

困擾Chief Inspector Gamache多時的黑警問題終於解決,最奸最惡最有權力那位已被處置,而背叛他的多年好友Michel也眾叛親離,自我流放了。但,問題並未完全解決。為了訓練新的黑警,以助黑高層「收o靚」,警察學堂也被污染。要影響一個人,當然是越早越好,聰明人都會從教育入手。黑高層將一套扭曲的價值觀灌輸給警校學生,讓他們融入這套文化。“The academy had become a nursery, a factory, a training ground and a conduit for brutality. It created and fostered an environment where that sort of behavior was normal, valued and rewarded.” 於是,仁慈和同理心被說成是軟弱,暴力是對付不聽話者或「唔識做」者的不二法門,警方權威不容挑戰。